Tuesday was originally going to be our day off but a change in schedule moved Bible study to Tuesday night instead of Wednesday. So we have to change our mindset. Instead of a whole day off we will have the majority of Tuesday off and then Wednesday evening off. God is expanding our outlook on life. We are no longer given a Monday to Friday work week. Now Friday and Saturday are our busiest days, but even in these experiences He is blessing us and teaching us. Tuesday we enjoyed being around the house then we ventured out on a big grocery shopping expedition all by ourselves. We took two different trams and forty minutes later arrived at the grocery store. Of course the grocery store did not have everything we needed, so we went shopping again on Thursday, but it was good to try to get out on our own. After shopping, we had dinner with another family, and while Stephen was in Bible study, I looked at recipes and enjoyed some girl time. It was a very nice night.
Wednesday was filled with new experiences. We had our first Polish lesson. It was long, exhausting, and very difficult, but it was good to start. I have started to learn the names of food items and how to dialogue in a grocery store. I am also working on colors, numbers, and days of the week. It reminds me of working with my kids in Hendersonville. Colors, numbers, days of the week, and the alphabet were some of the first lessons we had. After Polish, I was able to go out with my first Polish friend. It was fantastic! I was able to teach her some English, and she was able to teach me some Polish. Her English was a lot better than my Polish. We went to a bakery to have some cake, and it was so good! Later that evening her friends, Stephen and I, all went out on the town. It was a great way to meet new people and start new relationships. I am so glad we had the chance to get together. I really hope to get to know this girl and spend some more time with her.
Thursday was a great day! We went to the mall to shop for a birthday present. Then when Stephen went to practice I had an opportunity to go to town to meet some girls for coffee. A girl from Mosaic had a birthday and she invited me to come along. I was so honored! And had a fabulous time! It was so great to sit, talk, and get to know so many interesting people. These girls are so smart. Most of them speak at least three languages, and a few of them even spoke up to five languages! It was so humbling and amazing to see what these girls were capable of. They are talented, pretty, and very smart. I hope I am able to spend more time getting to know them.
Friday has been a good day. This morning I had Polish again. So we woke up early, bundled up, (because it was 32 degrees Fahrenheit) and headed out. My polish lesson was at a farmers market. I had to find six different fruits or vegetables that were yellow, white, brown, red, green, and orange. Then I had to go and take pictures of twenty-eight different fruits and vegetables. The next activity Stephen and I were competing against each other to try to find the cheapest price. We were given a list of different items. We had to find the item, find how much it was, write it down, add all the items together, and the cheapest total won. Thankfully I won by .50 grosz which is only about 16 cents but it was still fun. During this activity the Lord blessed me with a person of peace. This lady saw that I was struggling, and even though she did not speak English and my Polish was not very good, she was so kind to help me. She spoke very slowly. She repeated herself a thousand times, she smiled, and she did not get frustrated. She helped me finish my activity, and I think it was my favorite because of how great this lady was to me. I was so thankful to have the opportunity to meet her and feel God’s love pour through her. It was awesome! Thank you for all your prayers for language study. Your prayers have helped me to be brave, bold, and blessed me with people like this. Being at the market today was a lot of fun. It was very cold but very fun. I am excited to learn more of the language and have an opportunity to get to know more people. Today I also had the privilege of trying to make pumpkin cookies. It was a rough start, but the end product was quite tasty. Working with canned pumpkin is a lot easier, but it is pretty cool to know what can be done with a pumpkin. I am not sure if I will still make stuff from real pumpkins (I will probably just buy the canned pumpkin), but still it is very cool to know it can be done. Tonight we have our Halloween Mosaic. I wish we could dress up like we do in the States. I am definitely going to miss dressing up, but I am glad people are interested in our holidays and traditions.
Tomorrow I am going to visit another part of town with another girl from Mosaic. Sunday, Stephen is going to a football try-out for another team to offer advice and support. Then Monday is my first cooking get together. God is blessing us with so many opportunities. Sometimes all the opportunities are overwhelming and scary and other times just exciting. But overwhelming or exciting I am just amazed at all the things God is doing here. I feel so blessed! Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We can feel you support even being so far away. Thank you for all the recipes and kind words. They have really helped, and I am excited to start trying all these delicious recipes. We really appreciate all the ways you have encouraged us and supported us. Thank you thank you thank you. We miss you guys!
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