Saturday, October 15, 2011

Our Interesting Week

This week has been filled with many ups and downs. In a lot of ways I wonder if the honeymoon stage is over. I wish I could only write to tell you all the happy positive things that happen here. And while I want to spend most of my time writing about those, I know I also want to tell you honestly about the hard times. The challenging times that we see God’s loving hand in the mist of the struggles, tears, and difficulties we are facing. The first struggle for me has been in the change in weather. It feels like the middle of winter in Greenville right now. So there have been no more sunny days and beautiful skies. Instead we have had gray skies, cold breezes, and rainy weather. But even in these struggles I can feel God’s hand and your prayers as I go outside. I can feel guidance in what I should wear. I can feel a hope that I will survive the cold of this winter. And thankfully we still have long days of light.

Another struggle of this week has been trying to create a new schedule and live life here in Krakow. I am really starting to understand that nothing here is similar to the states. From cooking, to transportation, to life, everything is different, everything, is new, and everything is at times scary and overwhelming. The hardest thing for me has been cooking. It takes me three times as long to do anything. First I have to search for a recipe. This is the hardest and longest step. I never know what I want to cook or bake, and I never feel like I can find anything. So I search for what seems like forever. Once I find a recipe that sounds somewhat interesting, I then have to check all the ingredients to make sure I can get whatever it calls for. Then I have to translate words and undoubtedly I have to leave again to walk to the grocery store because I never have everything that the recipe calls for. Then after returning from the store the actually baking is not that difficult. In fact that is the part that I enjoy. And God has been so gracious! He has blessed with good recipes that have turned out very yummy! The way He has blessed me reminds me that God is loving, and He will not give me more than I can bear. I feel so blessed to know that He loves me so much that He is healing and helping me as I transition into the new and unfamiliar. I know that a lot of this new life should be easier. I mean we no longer have full time jobs, we do not have kids, we are living the opportunity of a lifetime. But to be honest I do not know how mothers do this. Every mom here makes everything almost completely from scratch. I am so blown away by their abilities to cook (which takes forever), to care for their family, to have time for their husband, and then to go to all of the ministry activities they have planned. I am still not sure how to do it. I am trying to learn how to cook everything from scratch but it is not an easy process to learn. I got very spoiled in the states being able to make a cake from a box or a dessert from a shelf. I have a new found respect for families and people who always cook from scratch. And any recipes that you have and would like to share I would love to have!

But I think the hardest part of this week was learning how to fight the battles that Satan was waging around us as a team. Stephen this week had a minor car accident that resulted in numerous challenges. While Stephen has been dealing with finding our insurance providers information, trying to understand our company’s policies on car accidents, working with the owner of the other vehicle and doing all this in Polish, I was dealing with the battle of trying to fit in and survive in a new culture. We were fighting two different battles on two different fronts and it was dividing our strength. We were not untied, we were not as strong, and to be honest the world seemed a lot darker, hopeless, and scary. Because of the difficulties he was facing, I did not feel like I could lean on him for support, and I knew I could not support anyone because I was barely standing myself. Well it all came to a head yesterday afternoon. We talked, we listened, I cried, we prayed. And God mended our hurt feelings, He reunited us, and He gave us hope. We still had the same problems and issues, but facing them as a team we no longer felt hopeless but instead felt victorious. Thank you so much for all the prayers you have sent as a support for us. I want you to know that they are important. They are what keep us strong. They are often what keep us from giving up. You are such a vital role in our ministry, and I really wanted you to know the impact of all you do. Your prayers matter and they are answered by God every day! Thank you for your faithfulness and your love we really appreciate you!

After that discussion, we left to go to Mosaic and God was so amazing! We had such a great crowd. There was so much excitement and enthusiasm! It was great that no one wanted to leave. Before Mosaic, I was nervous and unsure if I had the energy or ability to do this. But God is so good. The girls that were there, the conversations we had, and the time we spent together actually energized me, me an introvert who is usually energized by being alone. This just confirmed to me that God is Almighty and can do anything with anyone! And then what a blessing to think He does not even need me here to reach these people, but He has blessed me with an opportunity to come here, live a new and somewhat crazy life, and get to know all these amazing people. He has even blessed me with some possibilities for future friendships and relationships. He is so kind, loving, and gracious. I know I do not deserve the second chance He gives me, or all the opportunities He provides, but I am thankful that because of Jesus I am blessed with the privilege to receive them. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your support. I know God is working here in Krakow even if it is just in teaching me and Stephen something. He is working. But I also know He is working in deeper ways than that. We really appreciate all you do for us!!

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