Sunday, September 11, 2011


There are a lot of things we remember as children and as adults. There are things we have been told to remember. There are things we want to remember because they are happy memories or monumental occasions in our lives. And then sadly there are events in our lives that are horrible, hard, and drastic that through pain and tears we can never forget. Ten years ago for a lot of people one of those events occurred. Our country was hit with the horrific attack of September 11th. A day that many families would never forget, because it changed their lives, changed their jobs, or changed their homes. Many perished in the planes, many perished in the buildings, and many perished in an attempt to save others. Our country gathered in homes, churches, and schools to watch as our country was shocked speechless by this heinous terrorist attack. Many remembered exactly what they were wearing, doing, eating, or thinking at that moment in history. To this day, some can still recall the little details of that day. They can recall how God saved them or kept them from work. They can recall the last words they spoke to a loved one that perished. They can even recall the smell of fear, the taste of dust, the sounds of death and panic. The people who lived it that day will probably never forget the horror they faced. Sadly, the rest of the country often easily forgets the way that event brought them back to friends, family, or faith. We don’t take the time to continually praise God for the ways He has blessed us, protected us, saved us, or delivered us from horrible events or dark times in our lives.
This morning in church, we took time to remember some of the ways God has shown His loving hand in our lives. We talked about the ways He saved us or helped us. We tried to take time in remembrance and praise for the awesome God we serve. In the Bible, the Israelites would create a memorial or establish a holiday to remind them about how God provided either in food, health, or life. For generations after generations, some even to this day, they would praise and thank God for the love He demonstrated in their lives. What are some memorials or things you have placed in your life to remember the ways God has demonstrated His love and providence for your life? For me, it has been the way He protected our finances from the purchasing of a home; how he provided finances for Stephen to take the CPA and all the courses with it; how he provided me with the opportunity to have surgery and then have some relief from the pain; how He provided Stephen with the opportunity to pass the CPA the first time through; how He enabled us to be here studying, learning, and preparing for the next great chapter in our life. These are just the BIG events in my life. There are small ones every day that He demonstrates the love He has for me and the way He knows my name. It is extraordinary!! The next step is creating a way to remember all the ways God has blessed us.
We don’t want to live like the Israelites. Just after God blessed them with freedom from slavery, escape from death, and miraculous victory from the army pursuing, they are complaining that there is nothing to eat and they are going to die in the dessert. After God has done so much in their lives to save and provide for them and they cannot even remember or think He will provide again. How often do we do the same in our everyday lives?  We have to create ways to remember all the ways God has provided for us and then in the dark days and hard times we can recall the amazing ways God has been there preparing and helping us all along the way. Do you have any ideas on ways that you can recall the promises and provisions of God? I would love to learn from you. As always thank you so much for your support. I appreciate you taking time to read, respond, and teach me. I hope you have a great week and God shows you amazing things!

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